Submit Your Original Research to The Spine Journal’s Outstanding Paper Awards
The Spine Journal (TSJ), in collaboration with NASS, annually honors exceptional unpublished research in spine through the Outstanding Paper Awards (OPA). Established in 1989, these awards highlight contributions that significantly impact spine care. In 2025, the OPAs return for their 36th year, with submissions being accepted until February 20, 2025.
Each year, up to four papers are awarded an OPA, accompanied by a $10,000 cash prize and an invitation for authors to present their papers during the NASS Annual Meeting’s Best Papers Session. The award categories include:
- Basic Science
- Surgical Science
- Medical & Interventional Science
- Value in Spine Care

2024 Outstanding Paper author Pradeep Suri, MD, at the NASS 2024 Annual Meeting
TSJ accepts OPA submissions from all authors, regardless of NASS membership status. All submissions are reviewed for publication in TSJ and must not be under consideration by another journal during this period.
For detailed submission guidelines and deadlines, authors should refer TSJ’s Instructions for Authors and submit via the Editorial Manager by the deadline of February 20, 2025.