In This Issue
Editor in Chief F. Todd Wetzel, MD Deputy Editor Jason Friedrich, MD
Editorial Board Dustin Anderson, MD Akhil Chhatre, MD Lee Onn Chieng, MD Olumide A. Danisa, MD Edward Dohring, MD Jonathan N. Grauer, MD Manish K. Kasliwal, MD Niranjan U. Kavadi, MBBS Panagiotis Korovessis, MD, PhD Kai-Uwe Lewandrowski, MD Philip Louie, MD Mohammed Macki, MD Vivek Mohan, MD, MS Donna Ohnmeiss, PhD Ripul R. Panchal, DO, FACS Byron J. Schneider, MD Christopher P. Silveri, MD Miles L. Singer, DO Anuj Singla, MD Assem Sultan, MD
Founding Editor in Chief Stuart M. Weinstein, MD, 2000-2006
Past Editors in Chief Eeric Truumees, MD, 2006-2012 Thomas Mroz, MD, 2012-2013 William J. Sullivan, MD, 2013-2018 Jonathan N. Grauer, MD, 2019-2020
Editorial Staff Kelly Campbell, MS, Director of Publications Jeff Karzen, Assistant Director, Publications Jessica Vander Naald, Graphic Designer
Purpose SpineLineTM, a peer-reviewed publication of the North American Spine Society, is published bimonthly to educate and inform NASS members on medical, ethical and policy matters in the field of spine and health care. SpineLine serves as the primary publication for the NASS membership: (1) to educate and inform NASS’ multidisciplinary members on issues of interest and relevance to spine care and research, and assist them in providing quality, cost-effective patient care; and (2) to communicate and promote the policies, professional activities and products of the association.
Statements or opinions expressed in SpineLine are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent positions of the North American Spine Society.
© 2024, North American Spine Society, a not-for-profit corporation. ISSN 1531-4111
Disclosure Policy
In compliance with the NASS uniform disclosure policy (available at https://www.spine.org/Portals/0/Assets/Downloads/WhoWeAre/DisclosurePolicy.pdf), SpineLine authors are asked to disclose all financial arrangements. An indicator code (see key at right) reflecting that disclosure (including the supporting company or institution) will appear at the end of each article. Direct or indirect remuneration: Royalties, Stock ownership, Private Investments, Consulting, Speaking and/or teaching arrangements, Trips/travel
Position held in a company: Board of Directors, Scientific Advisory Board, Other office
Support from sponsors: Endowments, Research support, Grants, Fellowship support
Other: Relationships outside the one-year requirement Levels of support: A: $100 to $1000 B: $1,001 to $10,000 C: $10,001 to $25,000 D: $25,001 to $50,000 E: $50,001 to $100,000 F: $100,001 to $500,000 G: $500,001 to $1M H: $1,000,001 to $2.5M I: Greater than $2.5M
Editorial Offices SpineLineTM is published six times a year by the North American Spine Society, 7075 Veterans Boulevard, Burr Ridge, Illinois 60527
Email: franklin.wetzel@bassett.org jkarzen@spine.org spineline@spine.org
Telephone: 630-230-3600 Toll-free: 866-960-NASS (6277) NASS Website: www.spine.org
Subscriptions NASS Members receive SpineLineTM as a benefit of membership. Nonmembers may subscribe for $100/year. Please call 630-230-3600 or email spineline@spine.org.
Advertising For rates and availability, please contact Rick Bacon by email at rbacon@spine.org.
NASS Board of Directors
Zoher Ghogawala, MD, FACS President
Scott Kreiner, MD First Vice President
William Mitchell, MD Second Vice President
David R. O’Brien Jr., MD Secretary
Mitchell F. Reiter, MD, PC Treasurer
John G. Finkenberg, MD Past President
Eric J. Muehlbauer, MJ, CAE Executive Director
Christopher P. Kauffman, MD Administration Council Director
Alan S. Hilibrand, MD Education Council Director
Steven W. Hwang, MD Evidence Analysis & Research Council Director
Karin R. Swartz, MD Health Policy & Advocacy Council Director
D.J. Kennedy, MD Strategic Growth Council Director
Michael G. Fehlings, MD, PhD, FRCSC Director
Patrick C. Hsieh, MD, MS, MBA Director
Andrew Schoenfeld, MD Director
Donna Ohnmeiss, PhD At-Large Member
Richard L. Skolasky, ScD At-Large Member
Jonathan N. Grauer, MD Education Publishing Chair
R. Scott Cowan, MD Payor Policy Review Committee Chair
Noam Stadlan, MD Committee on Ethics & Professionalism Liaison
Michael Y. Wang, MD Industry Relations Liaison